Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de autograph

to autographautografiar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I autographyo autografío
you autographtú autografías
he autographsél autografía
she autographsella autografía
we autographnosotros autografiamos
you autographvosotros autografiáis
they autographellos autografían
they autographellas autografían

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I autographedyo autografié
you autographedtú autografiaste
he autographedél autografió
she autographedella autografió
we autographednosotros autografiamos
you autographedvosotros autografiasteis
they autographedellos autografiaron
they autographedellas autografiaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have autographedyo he autografiado
you have autographedtú has autografiado
he has autographedél ha autografiado
she has autographedella ha autografiado
we have autographednosotros hemos autografiado
you have autographedvosotros habéis autografiado
they have autographedellos han autografiado
they have autographedellas han autografiado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had autographedyo había autografiado
you had autographedtú habías autografiado
he had autographedél había autografiado
she had autographedella había autografiado
we had autographednosotros habíamos autografiado
you had autographedvosotros habíais autografiado
they had autographedellos habían autografiado
they had autographedellas habían autografiado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will autographyo autografiaré
you will autographtú autografiarás
he will autographél autografiará
she will autographella autografiará
we will autographnosotros autografiaremos
you will autographvosotros autografiaréis
they will autographellos autografiarán
they will autographellas autografiarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have autographedyo habré autografiado
you will have autographedtú habrás autografiado
he will have autographedél habrá autografiado
she will have autographedella habrá autografiado
we will have autographednosotros habremos autografiado
you will have autographedvosotros habréis autografiado
they will have autographedellos habrán autografiado
they will have autographedellas habrán autografiado

I would autographyo autografiaría
you would autographtú autografiarías
he would autographél autografiaría
she would autographella autografiaría
we would autographnosotros autografiaríamos
you would autographvosotros autografiaríais
they would autographellos autografiarían
they would autographellas autografiarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have autographedyo habría autografiado
you would have autographedtú habrías autografiado
he would have autographedél habría autografiado
she would have autographedella habría autografiado
we would have autographednosotros habríamos autografiado
you would have autographedvosotros habríais autografiado
they would have autographedellos habrían autografiado
they would have autographedellas habrían autografiado

Participio presenteAnotado
autographing autografiando

Participio pasadoAnotado
autographed autografiado

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